The History of Carnations on Mother’s Day

Carnations and Happy Mothers day cards

Did you know that carnations are the official flowers of Mother’s Day? Traditionally, white carnations honour mothers who have passed away, while pink carnations celebrate mothers who are still living. Florists say they are seeing other types of flowers, like roses, lilies, and hydrangeas, become popular gifts for Mother’s Day in recent decades. But the simple carnation remains in high demand during the month of May. The carnation first became a symbol for Mother’s Day in 1908, when an American activist named Anna Jarvis sent hundreds of white carnations to her hometown church in West Virginia in honour of all mothers after her own mother passed away. Anna Jarvis’s dedication to her elderly mother inspired many other women to do the same, and her movement led to the official creation of Mother’s Day in the United States. 

This Mother’s Day, the best gift for your mom (or a female caregiver) is probably a fresh bouquet of carnations! If you are concerned about how long cut flowers can last, florists say most types of cut flowers, including the carnation, can last a few weeks if customers take good care of them. In addition to flower food (which is a mixture of sugar, water, bleach, and citric acid), the best practice for carnations is to change the water on a daily basis and keep them away from heat and light. Experienced florists say you can make your cut flowers last much longer if you store them in the fridge at night, and bring them out only during the daytime. 

If you are a florist or the owner of a floral company in Toronto or the GTA, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Coolmate Rentals for temporary cold storage solutions. We could provide your shop with rental mobile coolers, freezers, and combo cooler and freezer units that range from 6’ to 16’ in size. We understand the importance of keeping your products cool and fresh before they reach your customers. Our cooler freezer units are always clean and professional looking and easy to use for a variety of commercial applications, including the storage of cut flowers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today if you require refrigeration rentals for your business this spring and summer season.